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Encouraging You to Keep a Good Thought

Providing Services For Your Community

BASK Consortium (DBA) was established in June 2010


Mr. Bernard J. Keller, (MA)


Mrs. Angela E. Sampson-Keller, (MSW), (LCSW-R), (MPS)

Mission Statement

The mission of BASK Consortium is to inspire individuals experiencing educational frustration and professional burn out while advocating on behalf of those lacking the basic skills to overcome difficulty. Through encouragement-based powershops, BASK seeks to achieve its goals through effective communication, empathy, creative and solution-focused strategies to produce healthy, good thought-centered lives.


BASK is the acronym formed by the initials of the names of the

Co-Founders, Bernard Keller and Angela Sampson-Keller. The palm tree (our featured logo symbol) was selected for the calming effect that one feels while basking beneath the sun on a sandy, white beach and taking hold of the shade under the palm trees. We have come to fully appeciate how palm trees have the capability of remaining resilient in volatile storms. Unlike the strong, powerful oaks that are uprooted during storms, palms bend and sway in fierce storms, but they do not break, and the storms do not consume them. BASK's goal is to help you navigate through your storms, while always anticipating beautiful rainbows and a brighter tomorrow.

If Bernard and Angela Sampson-Keller were to sum it up - we have been appointed with the mandate to "Encourage You to Keep a Good Thought".

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